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  • Water (lots of it!)

  • Boots or closed-toe shoes

  • Long pants (recommended for safety)

  • A hat

  • Apply sunscreen before camp!

  • Riding helmet (if owned)


Park on the front lawn and walk back to the Pavilion. Please make sure they are signed in and out with a Staff Member.


Camp provides all the basic safety equipment. Campers may bring their own if desired. Camp will not be liable for anything that is lost, stolen, or damaged. Campers should bring a backpack with their snack, extra sunscreen.


It is understood that campers are to behave in a polite and respectful manner towards other Campers and Staff while at the Timber Ranch Horse & Farm Camp. When at Camp, the Campers must listen and follow Staff instructions.

Please help us maintain a SCREEN FREE ZONE! It is
understood that the Timber Ranch Horse & Farm Camp its staff and subsidiaries, Bronco Boarding LLC and its staff are NOT responsible for any damaged, lost or stolen items which the campers may elect to bring with them to the Timber Ranch Horse & Farm Camp.


  • 100% refund if canceled at least 30 days before camp start date.

  • 50% refund if canceled with less than 30 days notice.

  • You may transfer to another session, space permitting


Camp is a socially interactive and physically active experience.  If you are unsure if your child meets this criteria, has an IEP or 504, or takes medication please contact me.  If you register, you are telling me your camper is fully fit to participate with no accommodations.  Please contact me if your child requires medication.

Meet The


Hello! I’m Tabitha Manikowski, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to our inaugural Ag Camp! I’ve been passionate about horses my entire life, but I’ve recently discovered my love for teaching kids about agriculture, and I can’t wait to share that with your camper!

I have a BS in Special Education Teaching from Utah State University. While at Utah State I competed on my college equestrian team! I've taught special education, third grade, and I’m currently teaching agriscience at Hamlin Middle School. 

Tabitha Manikowski


Winter Garden, Florida

Timber Ranch Horse & Farm Camp Logo
Kids Riding Horses

What Is Farm Camp?

Timber Ranch Horse and Farm Camp is a week of hands-on, fun-filled activities all about agriculture! We learn all about life on the farm which includes horseback riding, working with animals to learning about plants and farming, your child will experience it all while making lasting memories.


Who Can Attend?

Farm Camp is open to kids entering 1st through 8th grade.

Campers entering 1st-7th grade may participate as campers at Timber Ranch Horse and Farm Camp. 

Campers entering 8th-9th grade may participate in our Junior Ranch Hands program. Junior Ranch Hands gain leadership skills and experience through helping staff run activities.  Junior Ranch Hands camp times: 8:30AM-12:30PM.  



Camp is located in the Avalon Rural Settlement in Winter Garden, FL. (10 minute drive from Hamlin/New Independence). Address will be provided upon registration confirmation. 

Sessions & Tuition (1st-7th Graders):

  • Session 1: June 2-6 (5 days, $300)

  • Session 2: June 9-13 (5 days, $300)

  • Session 3: June 16-20 (5 days, $300)

  • Session 4: June 23-27 (5 days, $300)

  • Session 5: June 30-July 3 (4 days, $240)

Sessions & Cost for Junior Ranch Hands (8th-9th Graders):

  • Session 1: June 2-6 (5 days, $100)

  • Session 2: June 9-13 (5 days, $100)

  • Session 3: June 16-20 (5 days, $100)

  • Session 4: June 23-27 (5 days, $100)

  • Session 5: June 30-July 3 (4 days, $75)


Early Registration Discount- 10% off (expires March 15th)

Multi Session/Sibling Discount- 8% off starting the second sibling/session (begins March 16th)


Monday-Friday: 9am-12pm (Friday, Camp Show is at 11:00am)

* For Session 5, Camp show is on Thursday July 3



Interested in being a Volunteer Wrangler?

Our Volunteer Wranglers program is for incoming  10th-12th graders with a passion for kids and agriculture! Click on the volunteer link below to apply.

Ranch Family


Girl Riding Horse

Camp Activities Include:

Agriculture (Ag):

  • Animal Care: Campers will get the chance to interact with and care for a variety of farm animals, including chickens, rabbits, goats, sheep, and cows. They’ll learn the basics of animal care, proper handling, and even how to showcase animals in a showmanship setting.

  • Gardening: Campers will also dive into the world of plants! They’ll plant their own seedlings, tend to a garden, and learn about native Florida plants and trees.


  • Horse Care: Campers will get a hands-on education about horses, learning how to care for them, including grooming and understanding tack and equipment.

  • Riding Lessons: Whether your camper is a beginner or has some experience, they’ll receive riding lessons tailored to their skill level. While we focus on English riding, we’ll also introduce some Western techniques.

Boy Riding Horse
Boy Carrying Goat
Girl holding chicken
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